CAS Archive

The Computer Arts Society was established in 1968 by John Lansdown, George Mallen and Alan Sutcliffe. It initially ran until 1985 and was at the centre of the rapid development of computer arts in the UK and beyond. The society was then re-established in 2002 as part of the CACHe project, which looked to capture and presever the materials produced during "CAS 1", as well as create a new community for contemporary computer arts practitioners.

This new period of activity led to the publication of a number of books, as well as the handover of the CAS archives to the V&A in London. "CAS 2" ran until the COVID-19 lockdowns of 2020/2021. Post-lockdown, we are now entering "CAS 3", an important part of which is to ensure that CAS 2 is well-documented and to enhance our on-line community to take advantage of video conferencing and new developments in social media.

The CAS Archive is being updated regularly. Items with a grey CAS logo are work-in-progress and will be made available when they are ready. Many of the resources referred to links to related websites. Our goal is to eventually consolidate all of our holdings a part of the Computer Arts Archive database, where they will be searchable and browsable via a single user interface.

If you have any materials or stories relating to the Computer Arts Society of the years please contact our archivist Sean Clark ( who will be happy to hear from you.

CAS 3: Post-COVID (2022 - )

CAS 2: CAS Reformed (2002 - 2021)

CAS 1: The Original CAS (1968 - 1985)

Books Featuring CAS

Search and Timeline

We are developing a Google Programmable Search facility for the Computer Arts Society. The facility will be improved over time and adverts will be removed. A CAS Timeline is also under construction.