The Lansdown Centre for Electronic Arts
Mon, 27 Feb 2012

6:30 for 7:00pm Tuesday 13 December 2005
Speakers: Stephen Boyd Davis introducing Ralf Nuhn, Nye Parry and Sama'a al Hashimi
System Simulation Ltd
Bedford Chambers The Piazza
Covent Garden
London WC2E 8HA
Tel: 020 7836 7406
Stephen Boyd Davis, Head of Centre
Introduction to the work of the Lansdown Centre
The Centre for Electronic Arts at Middlesex University, named after the late John Lansdown, has had a pioneering role in several aspects of computer arts and continues to be a centre of innovation. Stephen will trace a very brief history including well-known individuals whose paths have intersected with the Centre such as John Vince, Paul Brown, John Lansdown and Huw Jones. He will highlight recent Centre developments in interactive media, sonic arts, games and other areas, charting emerging trends.
Ralf Nuhn, 3rd year PhD student
Ralf will talk about his exhibition of interactives, UNCAGED, at the V&A Museum of Childhood last year and at ZKM Karlsruhe. Combining tangible interfaces, reused domestic objects and interactive displays, Ralf's work playfully questions the apparent relationships between the real world and life on the screen.
Nye Parry, sonic artist and composer, member of Lansdown Centre staff
Nye Parry is a composer and sound artist working in installation, multimedia and contemporary dance. Exploring alternative modes of presentation for his music has led to an interest in sound installation and site-specific work. His work includes collaborations with artists in various media as well as sound work for major museums and other public spaces.
Sama'a al Hashimi, 2nd year PhD student
Most existing voice-controlled systems are actually speech-controlled: they exploit the linguistic more than the paralinguistic (non-verbal) as an input mechanism. Sama'a's work by contrast explores how other characteristics of voice can be employed in controlling interactive systems, including playful forms of interaction.