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CAT Symposium

Ideas Before Their Time - Connecting the past and present in Computer Art
CAT Project Symposium

The symposium was held on Wednesday 3rd February 2010 at the British Computer Society in Covent Garden, in conjunction with the Computer Arts Society

Many intriguing concepts have emerged in Computer Art over the past 50 years. Some have been brought to light in the archives examined by the CAT and CACHe Projects. Speakers from all areas of Computer Art, including practitioners, curators and historians, discussed the past, present and future of this area.


Keynote: Brian Reffin-Smith
"Post Computer Art - Ontological Undecidability and the Cat with Paint on its Paws"

Session 1: Computer Art & Cybernetics

Session 2: Computer Art & Time

Session 3: Computer Art & Space

Session 4: Computer Art & Output

Session 5: Computer Art & Technocultures


Programme Outline

8.30 am Registration

09.10 am Introduction to the Day

CAT Project Team -

09.15 am Keynote

Brian Reffin-Smith

09.30 am Session 1: Computer Art & Cybernetics

Douglas Dodds

Stroud Cornock

Francesca Franco

Darko Fritz

11.00 am Session 2: Computer Art & Time

George Mallen

Frieder Nake

Richard Wright

Helen Plumb

12.30 pm Lunch

1.30 pm Session 3: Computer Art & Space

Nick Lambert

Robin Baker

Bonnie Mitchell

Michael O'Rourke

3.00 pm Session 4: Computer Art & Output

Paul Coldwell

Jeremy Gardiner

Isaac Kerlow

Jane Prophet

4.30 pm Break

5.00 pm Session 5: Computer Art & Technocultures

Maria Chatzichristodoulou

David Garcia

Sue Gollifer

Bruce Wands

6:00 pm Conference Finish

6:30 pm Reception and Event with the Computer Arts Society


Ideas before their Time was followed by a two-day conference at the Victoria and Albert Museum on 4-5 February, entitled Decoding the Digital.







Computer Arts Society Archive

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